Sunday, 11 July 2010

Don't Drink And Drive (Poetry)

The memory of you…
It’s playing on mind, 
Such a beautiful personality,
Boys like you are hard to find- 
My plea is that you come back,
Even if it’s just to say good bye;
I still can’t come to terms with, 
Why it was you who had to die.
Abandoned on this world, 
With nowhere else to hide- 
Only memory and emotion left, 
Remembering the day you died. 
I lied there on the pavement, 
I heard the policeman say, 
The man in the other car was drunk-
You shouldn’t have had to pay.
Someone should have told him, 
Not to drink and drive;
If only he had used his sense, 
You could be still alive-
This is the end for me, 
I’m about to die, 
I want to hold you one more time;
I love you and good-bye.

-- Ok... so the idea is that she commits suicide at the end because a drunk man killed her boyfriend/husband in a car crash. Comment please. --