Sunday 11 July 2010

Don't Drink And Drive (Poetry)

The memory of you…
It’s playing on mind, 
Such a beautiful personality,
Boys like you are hard to find- 
My plea is that you come back,
Even if it’s just to say good bye;
I still can’t come to terms with, 
Why it was you who had to die.
Abandoned on this world, 
With nowhere else to hide- 
Only memory and emotion left, 
Remembering the day you died. 
I lied there on the pavement, 
I heard the policeman say, 
The man in the other car was drunk-
You shouldn’t have had to pay.
Someone should have told him, 
Not to drink and drive;
If only he had used his sense, 
You could be still alive-
This is the end for me, 
I’m about to die, 
I want to hold you one more time;
I love you and good-bye.

-- Ok... so the idea is that she commits suicide at the end because a drunk man killed her boyfriend/husband in a car crash. Comment please. --

Saturday 15 May 2010

My Depression

I hear the whispers,

Hatred, sadness, peace and love,
No emotion,
No life,

See the darkness,
Feel the shadows,
Taste the longing
And the craving
To love.

I cannot love,
For I cannot hug-

Story of my life... I have a difficulty having any form of physical contact because I hate pressure on my arms, ribs and stomach. I detest hugs - they mean nothing to me and I always feel more uncomfortable afterwards. It's awkward - I wrote this is less than 5 minutes when I was feeling down... so it's not brilliant. But still, thanks for reading ! :)

Saturday 17 April 2010


Standing proud,
Standing tall,
Standing in a soft brown cushion-
Waving blissfully
To the passersby...
Reaching up to stroke the moon,
Emerald dishes thrown,
Emerald buds form...
Echoes and whispering,
Worshipping the surrounds-
Supportive hugs to the morning choir singers
Who sing of the morning,
And then take flight...
The gentle caress of the morning breeze.

So this is my newest poem "Tree" --- it's a bit more poem-ish if you know what I mean ! :) Haha, it's very... distant and secretive. Almost confusing, well, or not - so comment on it please !

Thursday 15 April 2010

Hedgehogs (Haiku)

The shuffling paws,
Defensive prickles of fear
Forcing me to flee.

Comment on my haiku - Hedgehogs ... I hope you like it, the second line is my favourite! =D

The Two-Faced Tattoo

The cryptic patterns,
Etwining the skin to the arts-
As if a person
Could be so attached
To inflict pain
Upon themselves...
For something which will be there forevermore...
But more in the soul than in the mind, it is contained.

Swirling colours;
The magic pen dances across
Soft peach flesh-
Piercing and injecting
The ink which will create
Unique and intricaticy combined,
Put your trust in the artist,
Embrace the tranquility of independance.

   ~   I entitled this 'Two-Faced Tattoos' because it is the mixed opinions and controversy surrounding tattoos - I suppose it's also part of my feelings because I am not sure about tattoos whereas they are an expression and also a bit... I don't know - different?

Poppy Field - A Memory To The Wars And History

The gentle red,
Echoes of spirit and rage
Dance upon the petals-
Allow yourself,
To be lost among
The souls of those;
Lost long ago
In the Poppy Field.

So that's Poppy Field - the war memorial poem. I hope you like it... comment on it please - I need critism to IMPROVE ! :) :) :) Thanks guys!

Little Pond (Haiku)

Another Haiku - This is called 'Little Pond'.

The shining water,
Little fish break the surface
As the green weed grows.

Please comment on it - before you do this is a HAIKU, it is meant to be short !!! :) Thanks

Wednesday 14 April 2010

Personal Opinion

Surely there is no perfection
But hatred is like an infection -
Clogging up the blood,
Messing with the brain;
It’s driving me insane,
I wish people could:
        Not pretend

Ok, so find all the rhymes and sort-of-rhymes in here...
Got them?
Yeah, lines 1 and 2 rhyme, so do 3 and 6, 4 and 5 rhyme - and obviously so do lines 7 and 8. Please comment on this - thanks.

Shadows (Haiku)

Haiku's, for those who don't know, consist of 17 syllables (well, most of the time anyway) - they are Japanese and are usually set out in the style of 5 syllables to the first line, 7 syllables in the middle line and 5 again in the last. This is not always the case - but it is how I have chosen to present mine. I hope you enjoy my haiku ~ Shadows:

Rejected by light,
Overrun by the blackness,
Fearing the daylight.

Comment Please!

Friday 26 February 2010


The river’s like a flowing gown,
Travelling around the town,
Breath of the wind and voice of fear,
The river, the river, the river’s here.

Trees worship it with outstretched arms,
There is not a creature that it harms-
Flowing like a wavy tail,
The shimmering blue water veil.

Gentle splashes all around,
Ripples avoiding the dry ground-
Veering left and swaying right,
The glistening sun makes the river bright.

When you cannot sleep at night,

Look out on the river bright,
River's beautiful tranquillity
Cause's dreams of unreality.

This is River - my long lost poem. I wrote the first two verses back in 2007 for a competition which I managed to win and therefore got my poem published in a book. Sadly, I lost the last verse of the poem and had to write a new one, I also added an extra one when I discovered some new ideas in the depths of my mind. I bet it is no where near as good as the original I wrote but I am glad I remembered the first two verses. Comment please!