Friday, 26 February 2010


The river’s like a flowing gown,
Travelling around the town,
Breath of the wind and voice of fear,
The river, the river, the river’s here.

Trees worship it with outstretched arms,
There is not a creature that it harms-
Flowing like a wavy tail,
The shimmering blue water veil.

Gentle splashes all around,
Ripples avoiding the dry ground-
Veering left and swaying right,
The glistening sun makes the river bright.

When you cannot sleep at night,

Look out on the river bright,
River's beautiful tranquillity
Cause's dreams of unreality.

This is River - my long lost poem. I wrote the first two verses back in 2007 for a competition which I managed to win and therefore got my poem published in a book. Sadly, I lost the last verse of the poem and had to write a new one, I also added an extra one when I discovered some new ideas in the depths of my mind. I bet it is no where near as good as the original I wrote but I am glad I remembered the first two verses. Comment please!

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