Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Spirit Of The Seasons

Ok, so this is my newest poem: "Spirit Of The Seasons". It's trying to describe the seasons as best it can - it didn't take as long as Midnight Hatred or Wolf Howl ... which probably explains the lack of power in it! :) Oops - Oh well !

Dew drops

Scattered around on the grass,
Chills travel at a pace on the air–
Soaring birds return to recreate the lullaby
That people love to hear.
Spring comes around,
Scattering fresh life and joy,
But fades once more.

The incredible fire,
A million miles away.
Phenomenal orange glow;
Lie beneath with the breeze
At the beach,
Near the blue tranquillity
And watch the world drift by–
Until summer fades away.

Red soul,
Capturing the trees
And dying the leaves scarlet;
The sun sleeps and dreams of grey,
Small drops soothe the dry plants.
Autumn is like life,
Coming quickly and helping out,
But departing when the job is done...

Blue spears,
The branches support the white
Until aroused,
Snowflakes are delicate
But deadly,
Frosting the roads like blankets,
The occasional glisten
Of ice
On the roads
Before departing as liquid.

Right; picture time: I chose a truly beautiful design ~ So What Do You Think?     >
I <3 This ! Lol ! It looks so awesome & I'm not sure why, I might have gone psycho over all the rainbow brightness exploding in the piece of art! Oh Yeah, before I forget; I would like to say that I wrote this poem for one of my best-friends ever: Joana Sousa, as she is bright and cheerful like my picture. She always makes you happy no matter what's happening - so Joana ~ if you are reading this, Thanks for everything! :)
~ Danielle .x.

Monday, 21 December 2009

Top Dog

This is my newest poem: Top Dog. You will have to read it to comment your opinion but I personally, prefer my other poem: Wolf Howl. Please tell me what you think - I would love to know.

Three bullets -

It’s up to me,
The trained and the loyal;
I charge for the prize;
Lumpy scarlet feathers lie still.
They stay hot on my tail,
I will break free.

Master relies on me
To claim the now flightless bird,

A dead pheasant,
Faith fading,
I’m slowing down.
Brown fur nears my side,
Another catching up!
Fangs glare at me,
My eyes fix on the prize.

The ground darts beneath me,
The pursuers keep near;
But never too close
My fangs are large,
And as white as the snow
In the clouds above me.

I hear a warning,
The only warning my kind can give,

A growl.
Sharp and quick,
A pounce on my left
Leaving no time,
Muscles tense in my legs,
And I leap for the prize ahead.
True gundog spirit–
My attacker falls
And I return
With the prize
As top dog.

Ok, so that was 'Top Dog'. As I said, I didn't like it as much as my other poems ('Midnight Hatred' and 'Wolf Howl') but I wrote it so I should be proud of it. :) Ha Ha Ha. Anyway, comment me if you have any questions etc.

Wolf Howl

This is my newest poem: Wolf Howl. I hope you see some sort of meaning, I try to structure my poems so that there is something to read into... Comment me about 'Wolf Howl'.

Darkness brings the fog
And the shadows,
A black silhouette haunts the hills;
The outline is petrifying,
Singing the music of a ghost,
Echoing into the black.
The lonely howl,
Of a lonely soul,
Living a life with more than one
Of it's kind -
Running free.

Darkness conceals the true identity
Of the vocal beast,
Precious gold eyes staring out
Of the shadows;
Under the stars.
Feared by most,
Stormy fur,
Pearly fangs
And the voice of night.

Despite the fear
And the hatred shown,
True beauty
Inside and out
Standing on the hill,
The gold still pierces the shadows;
Fangs catch the dim moonlight,
Other gather to hear
A deep breath -
Wolf howl.

So what did you feel whilst reading that? I loved writing this so much, but it was difficult!
So hear's the thing - I don't just write these for no reason. I tried to make this dark and gothic/emo styled for one of my best - friends ever: Ashleigh Lennox.
I hope she likes this and reads it through. Comment me about this... or any ideas, phrases or emotional words that might help me with future poems. Also, if you have any requests for particular subjects and topics for a poem ~ Comment me with it, leave your blog address OR your email and I will get back to you as quickly as I can. (Free of charge!)

Midnight Hatred

Hi, I'm Danielle and I'm 12.

I love writing poems - this one is called Midnight Hatred:

The storm creeps up -

Whispers of fear,
Echoes of life,
Quiet footsteps,
Then silence.

In the dead of night
Gentle drops fall.

Temper building
In the savage storm,
Clouds roaring;
Pulse pounding.

Thunder crashes,
Bright lights strike,
Shadows dance.

Blackened sky;
Fighting the hilltops.
Temper fading...
Darkness departs.

Dawn breaks,
Adrenaline ceases.

I also have a picture to go with my poem. I would like you to comment on it as I think it goes quite well as it shows panic, lightning and anger all rolled into one.
So what do you think to the Purple Stallion Silhouette? I love the way it describes the poem.
Also, after recieving comments from people via Email and Letter ~ I realised there was another meaning to my poem, not only the Storm Description but it could relate to a person: "Temper building", "Gentle drops fall" (Sounds like tears) and then "Shadows dance" could be the shadows of people moving when people fight and move around, avoiding each other.
So I hope you like my poem!
- Danielle .x.